Learnware Client#


Learnware Client is a Python API that provides a convenient interface for interacting with the Beimingwu system. You can easily use the client to upload, download, delete, update, and search learnwares.

Prepare access token#

Before using the Learnware Client, you’ll need to obtain a token from the official website. Just login to the website and click Client Token tab in the Personal Information.

How to Use Client#

Initialize a Learnware Client#

from learnware.client import LearnwareClient, SemanticSpecificationKey

# Login to Beiming system
client = LearnwareClient()
client.login(email="your email", token="your token")

Where email is the registered mailbox of the system and token is the token obtained in the previous section.

Upload Leanware#

Before uploading a learnware, you’ll need to prepare the semantic specification of your learnware. Let’s take the classification task for tabular data as an example. You can create a semantic specification by a helper function generate_semantic_spec.

from learnware.specification import generate_semantics_spec

# Prepare input description when data_type="Table"
input_description = {
    "Dimension": 5,
    "Description": {
        "0": "age",
        "1": "weight",
        "2": "body length",
        "3": "animal type",
        "4": "claw length"

# Prepare output description when task_type in ["Classification", "Regression"]
output_description = {
    "Dimension": 3,
    "Description": {
        "0": "cat",
        "1": "dog",
        "2": "bird",

# Create semantic specification
semantic_spec = generate_semantic_spec(
    description="Just a example for uploading a learnware",
    scenarios=["Business", "Financial"],

Please ensure that the input parameters for the semantic specification fall within the specified ranges provided by client.list_semantic_specification_values(key):

  • “data_type” must be within the range of key=SemanticSpecificationKey.DATA_TYPE.

  • “task_type” must be within the range of key=SemanticSpecificationKey.TASK_TYPE.

  • “library_type” must be within the range of key=SemanticSpecificationKey.LIBRARY_TYPE.

  • “scenarios” must be a subset of key=SemanticSpecificationKey.SENARIOS.

  • “license” must be within the range of key=SemanticSpecificationKey.LICENSE.

  • When “data_type” is set to “Table”, it is necessary to provide “input_description”.

  • When “task_type” is either “Classification” or “Regression”, it is necessary to provide “output_description”.

Finally, the semantic specification and the zip package path of the learnware were filled in to upload the learnware.

Remember to validate your learnware before uploading it, as shown in the following code example:

# Prepare your learnware zip file
zip_path = "your learnware zip"

# Check your learnware before upload
    learnware_zip_path=zip_path, semantic_specification=semantic_spec

# Upload your learnware
learnware_id = client.upload_learnware(
    learnware_zip_path=zip_path, semantic_specification=semantic_spec

After uploading the learnware successfully, you can see it in Personal Information - My Learnware, the background will check it. Click on the learnware, which can be viewed in the Verify Status. After the check passes, the Unverified tag of the learnware will disappear, and the uploaded learnware will appear in the system.

Update Learnware#

The update_learnware method is used to update the metadata and content of an existing learnware on the server. You can upload a new semantic specification, or directly upload a new learnware.

# Replace with the actual learnware ID
learnware_id = "123456789"

# Create new semantic specification
semantic_spec = client.create_semantic_specification(
    name="new learnware name",
    description="new description",
    scenarios=["Computer", "Internet"],

# Update metadata without changing the content
client.update_learnware(learnware_id, semantic_spec)

# Update metadata and content with a new ZIP file
updated_zip_path = "/path/to/updated_learnware.zip"
client.update_learnware(learnware_id, semantic_spec, learnware_zip_path=updated_zip_path)

Delete Learnware#

The delete_learnware method is used to delete a learnware from the server.

# Replace with the actual learnware ID to delete
learnware_id = "123456789"

# Delete the specified learnware

Download and Use Learnware#

After the learnware search is completed, you can locally load and use the learnwares through the learnware IDs in search_result, as shown in the following example:

learnware_id = search_result["single"]["learnware_ids"][0]
learnware = client.load_learnware(
    learnware_id=learnware_id, runnable_option="conda"
# test_x is the user's data for prediction
predict_y = learnware.predict(test_x)