Installation Guide#

learnware Package Installation#


The learnware package supports Windows, Linux. It’s recommended to use learnware in Linux. This package supports Python3, which is up to Python3.11.

Users can easily install learnware by pip according to the following command:

pip install learnware

In the learnware package, besides the base classes, many core functionalities such as “learnware specification generation” and “learnware deployment” rely on the torch library. Users have the option to manually install torch, or they can directly use the following command to install the learnware package:

pip install learnware[full]


However, it’s crucial to note that due to the potential complexity of the user’s local environment, installing learnware[full] does not guarantee that torch will successfully invoke CUDA in the user’s local setting.

Install learnware Package From Source#

Also, Users can install learnware by the source code according to the following steps:

  • Enter the root directory of this project, in which the file exists.

  • Then, please execute the following command to install the environment dependencies and install learnware:

    $ git clone && cd Learnware
    $ pip install -e .[dev]


It’s recommended to use anaconda/miniconda to setup the environment. Also you can run pip install -e .[full, dev] to install torch automatically as well.

Use the following code to make sure the installation successful:

>>> import learnware
>>> learnware.__version__