Quick Start#


This Quick Start guide aims to illustrate the straightforward process of establishing a full Learnware workflow and utilizing Learnware to handle user tasks.


Learnware is currently hosted on PyPI. You can easily intsall the learnware package by following these steps:

pip install learnware

In the learnware package, besides the base classes, many core functionalities such as “learnware specification generation” and “learnware deployment” rely on the torch library. Users have the option to manually install torch, or they can directly use the following command to install the learnware package:

pip install learnware[full]


However, it’s crucial to note that due to the potential complexity of the user’s local environment, installing learnware[full] does not guarantee that torch will successfully invoke CUDA in the user’s local setting.

Prepare Learnware#

In the learnware package, each learnware is encapsulated in a zip package, which should contain at least the following four files:

  • learnware.yaml: learnware configuration file.

  • __init__.py: methods for using the model.

  • stat.json: the statistical specification of the learnware. Its filename can be customized and recorded in learnware.yaml.

  • environment.yaml or requirements.txt: specifies the environment for the model.

To facilitate the construction of a learnware, we provide a Learnware Template that the users can use as a basis for building your own learnware. We’ve also detailed the format of the learnware zip package in Learnware Preparation.

Learnware Package Workflow#

Users can start a Learnware workflow according to the following steps:

Initialize a Learnware Market#

You can initialize a basic Learnware Market named “demo” using the code snippet below:

from learnware.market import instantiate_learnware_market

# instantiate a demo market
demo_market = instantiate_learnware_market(market_id="demo", name="easy", rebuild=True)

Upload Leanware#

Before uploading your learnware to the Learnware Market, you’ll need to create a semantic specification, semantic_spec. This involves selecting or inputting values for semantic tags to describe the features of your task and model.

For instance, the following code illustrates the semantic specification for a Scikit-Learn type model. This model is tailored for education scenarios and performs classification tasks on tabular data:

from learnware.specification import generate_semantic_spec

semantic_spec = generate_semantic_spec(

After preparing the semantic specification, you can insert your learnware into the Learnware Market using a single line of code:

demo_market.add_learnware(zip_path, semantic_spec)

Here, zip_path is the directory of your learnware zip package.

Reuse Learnwares#

We offer two data-free methods JobSelectorReuser and AveragingReuser for reusing a given list of learnwares. Please substitute test_x in the code snippet below with your own testing data:

from learnware.reuse import JobSelectorReuser, AveragingReuser

# Use job selector reuser to reuse the searched learnwares to make prediction
reuse_job_selector = JobSelectorReuser(learnware_list=mixture_item.learnwares)
job_selector_predict_y = reuse_job_selector.predict(user_data=test_x)

# Use averaging ensemble reuser to reuse the searched learnwares to make prediction
reuse_ensemble = AveragingReuser(learnware_list=mixture_item.learnwares)
ensemble_predict_y = reuse_ensemble.predict(user_data=test_x)

We also provide two data-dependent methods: EnsemblePruningReuser and FeatureAugmentReuser, when the user has minor labeled data for refining a given list of learnwares. Here’s an example for adopting multiple returned learnwares by labeled data to solve classification tasks:

from learnware.reuse import EnsemblePruningReuser, FeatureAugmentReuser

# Use ensemble pruning reuser to reuse the searched learnwares to make prediction
# (train_x, train_y) is the small amount of labeled data
# `mode` has two options "classification" and "regression"
reuse_ensemble = EnsemblePruningReuser(learnware_list=mixture_item.learnwares, mode="classification")
reuse_ensemble.fit(train_X, train_y)
ensemble_pruning_predict_y = reuse_ensemble.predict(user_data=data_X)

# Use feature augment reuser to reuse the searched learnwares to make prediction
reuse_feature_augment = FeatureAugmentReuser(learnware_list=mixture_item.learnwares, mode="classification")
reuse_feature_augment.fit(train_X, train_y)
feature_augment_predict_y = reuse_feature_augment.predict(user_data=data_X)

Auto Workflow Example#

The learnware package also offers automated workflow examples. This includes preparing learnwares, uploading and deleting learnwares from the market, and searching for learnwares using both semantic and statistical specifications. To experience the basic workflow of the learnware package, the users can run test/test_workflow/test_workflow.py to try the basic workflow of learnware.