Learnware Market#

The Learnware Market, serving as the implementation of the learnware doc system, receives high-performance machine learning models from developers, incorporates them into the system, and provides services to users by identifying and reusing learnware to help users solve current tasks. Developers voluntarily submit various learnwares to the learnware doc system, and the market conducts quality checks and further organization of these learnwares. When users submit task requirements, the learnware doc system automatically selects whether to recommend a single learnware or a combination of multiple learnwares.

The Learnware Market will receive various kinds of learnwares, and learnwares from different feature and prediction spaces form numerous islands of specifications. Collectively, these islands constitute the specification world in the learnware doc system. The doc system should discover and establish connections between different islands and integrate them into a unified specification world, with the hope of broadening the search scope and preliminarily supporting learnware identification from the entire learnware collection, not just among learnwares that share the same feature and prediction space with the user’s task requirements.


The Learnware Market implements the market module which is designed for learnware organization, identification and usability testing. A single market module consists of one organizer module, one searcher module, and multiple checker modules.

The organizer module oversees the storage and organization of learnware, supporting operations such as reloading the entire learnware collection and performing insertions, deletions and updates.

The searcher module conducts learnware identification based on user information, which encompasses statistical and semantic specifications. It implements several searchers to retrieve learnwares that meet user requirements and recommends them as search results, where each searcher employs a different search algorithm.

The checker module is responsible for checking the usability and quality of learnwares by verifying the availability of semantic and statistical specifications and creating a runtime environment to test learnware models based on the model container. The learnwares that pass the checker module are then inserted and stored by the organizer module, appearing in the Learnware Market.

Current Checkers#

The checker module checks a learnware from different aspects using different checkers, including environment configuration (CondaChecker), semantic specifications (EasySemanticChecker), and statistical specifications (EasyStatChecker). Each checker’s __call__ method is designed to be invoked as a function to conduct the respective checks on the learnware and return the outcomes. Three types of learnware statuses are defined: INVALID_LEARNWARE indicates the learnware fails the check, NONUSABLE_LEARNWARE indicates the learnware passes the check but is unable to make predictions, USABLE_LEARNWARE denotes the learnware passes the check and can make predictions. Currently, there are three implemented checkers within this module, described as follows.


This checker checks the environment of the learnware object. It creates a LearnwaresContainer instance to containerize the learnware and uses inner_checker to check the Learnware. If an exception occurs, it logs the error and returns the NONUSABLE_LEARNWARE status with error message.


This checker checks the semantic specification of a learnware object. It checks if the given semantic specification conforms to predefined standards. It verifies each key in a predefined dictionary. If the check fails, it logs the error and returns the NONUSABLE_LEARNWARE status and error message.


This checker checks the statistical specification and functionality of a learnware object. It performs multiple checks to validate the learnware. It checks for model instantiation, verifies input shape and statistical specifications, and tests output shape using randomly generated data. In case of exceptions, it logs the error and returns the NONUSABLE_LEARNWARE status and error message.

Current Markets#

The learnware package provides two different implementations of market, i.e., Easy Market and Hetero Market. They share the same checker module and have different implementations of organizer and searcher.

Easy Market#

Easy market is a basic realization of the learnware market. It consists of EasyOrganizer, EasySearcher, and the checker list [EasySemanticChecker, EasyStatChecker].

Easy Organizer#

EasyOrganizer mainly has the following methods to store learnwares, which is an easy way to organize learnwares.

  • reload_market: Reload the learnware market when the server restarts and return a flag indicating whether the market is reloaded successfully.

  • add_learnware: Add a learnware with learnware_id, semantic_spec and model files in zip_path into the market. Return the learnware_id and learnwere_status. The learnwere_status is set to check_status if it is provided. Otherwise, the checker will be called to generate the learnwere_status.

  • delete_learnware: Delete the learnware with id from the market and return a flag indicating whether the deletion is successful.

  • update_learnware: Update the learnware’s zip_path, semantic_spec, check_status. If None, the corresponding item is not updated. Return a flag indicating whether it passed the checker.

  • get_learnwares: Similar to get_learnware_ids, but return list of learnwares instead of ids.

  • reload_learnware: Reload all the attributes of the learnware with learnware_id.

Easy Searcher#

EasySearcher consists of EasyFuzzsemanticSearcher and EasyStatSearcher. EasyFuzzsemanticSearcher is a kind of Semantic Specification Searcher, while EasyStatSearcher is a kind of Statistical Specification Searcher. All these searchers return helpful learnwares based on BaseUserInfo provided by users.

BaseUserInfo is a Python API for users to provide enough information to identify helpful learnwares. When initializing BaseUserInfo, three optional information can be provided: id, semantic_spec and stat_info. These specifications’ introductions are shown in COMPONENTS: Specification.

The semantic specification search and statistical specification search have been integrated into the same interface EasySearcher.

  • EasySearcher.__call__(self, user_info: BaseUserInfo, check_status: int = None, max_search_num: int = 5, search_method: str = “greedy”,) -> SearchResults

    • It conducts the semantic searcher EasyFuzzsematicSearcher on all the learnwares from the organizer with the same check_status (All learnwares if check_status is None). If the result is not empty and the stat_info is provided in user_info, it conducts EasyStatSearcher and returns the SearchResults.

Semantic Specification Searcher#

Semantic Specification Searcher is the first-stage search based on user_semantic, identifying potentially helpful learnwares whose models solve tasks similar to your requirements. There are two types of Semantic Specification Search: EasyExactSemanticSearcher and EasyFuzzSemanticSearcher.

In these two searchers, each learnware in the learnware_list is compared with user_info based on their semantic_spec. A learnware is added to the search result if a match is found. Two semantic_specs are considered matched when all the key words either match or are empty in user_info. Different keys follow different matching rules. The __call__ function for these searchers are the same:

  • EasyExactSemanticSearcher/EasyFuzzSemanticSearcher.__call__(self, learnware_list: List[Learnware], user_info: BaseUserInfo)-> SearchResults

    • For the keys Data, Task, Library, and license in semantic_spec, a match occurs only when the value (only one value for each key) in a learnware’s semantic_spec is also found in the values (which may be multiple for one key) in the user’s semantic_spec.

    • For the key Scenario, two semantic_spec keys are matched if their values have nonempty intersections.

    • For the keys Name and Description, the values are strings and case sensitivity is ignored. In EasyExactSemanticSearcher, two semantic_spec keys are matched if these values in the learnware semantic_spec is a substring of the corresponding values in the user semantic_spec. EasyFuzzSemanticSearcher begins with the same exact semantic search as EasyExactSemanticSearcher. If no results are found, it activates a fuzz semantic searcher: the learnware_list is then sorted according to the fuzz score function fuzzpartial_ratio provided by rapidfuzz.

The results are returned and stored in single_results of SearchResults.

Statistical Specification Searcher#

If the user’s statistical specification stat_info is provided, the learnware doc system can perform more targeted learnware identification using EasyStatSearcher.

  • EasyStatSearcher.__call__(self, learnware_list: List[Learnware], user_info: BaseUserInfo, max_search_num: int = 5, search_method: str = “greedy”,) -> SearchResults

    • It searches for helpful learnwares from learnware_list based on the stat_info in user_info.

    • SingleSearchItem and MultipleSearchItem are types of results stored in SearchResults`. ``SingleSearchItem` contains single recommended learnwares for the user’s task, along with scores indicating each learnware’s compatibility with the task. MultipleSearchItem includes a combination of learnwares, attempting to address the task better, and provides an overall score for this mixture.

    • The parameter search_method offers two options for search strategies of mixture learnwares: greedy and auto. With the greedy method, it incrementally adds learnwares that significantly reduce the distribution distance, thereby bringing the mixture closer te the user’s stat_info. With the the search method auto, it directly calculates the optimal mixture weights for the learnware_list.

    • For single learnware search, only learnwares with a score higher than 0.6 are returned. For multiple learnware search, the parameter max_search_num specifies the maximum number of learnwares in the returned mixture learnware list.

Easy Checker#

EasySemanticChecker and EasyStatChecker are used to verify the validity of the learnwares:

  • EasySemanticChecker checks the integrity and legitimacy of the semantic_spec in learnware. (1) A valid semantic_spec must include all necessary keys, with each key’s type conforming to specified requirements. For Class type keys, values should be unique and in the valid_list; for Tag type keys, values should not be empty; for String type keys, a non-empty string is expected. (2) Tabular learnwares should include input dimensions and feature descriptions within their semantic_spec; (3) Classification or Regression learnwares should provide output dimensions and descriptions. Learnwares passing the EasySemanticChecker are marked as NONUSABLE_LEARNWARE; otherwise, as INVALID_LEARNWARE, with error information returned.

  • EasyStatChecker checks the model and stat_spec of the learnwares, involving:

    • Model instantiation check: Utilizing learnware.instantiate_model to instantiate the model as a BaseModel.

    • Input shape check: Checking whether the semantic_spec input shape (if present), learnware.input_shape, and stat_spec shape are consistent, and then generating an example input of that shape.

    • Model prediction check: Using the model to predict the label of the example input and recording the model output.

    • Output shape check: For Classification, Regression, and Feature Extraction tasks, the output’s shape should align with semantic_spec and learnware.output_shape. For Regression tasks, the output’s shape should also be consistent with the output dimension provided in the semantic_spec. For Classification tasks, the output should either contain valid classification labels or match the output dimension provided in the semantic_spec.

If any step above fails or meets an error, the learnware will be marked as INVALID_LEARNWARE. The learnwares that pass the EasyStatChecker are marked as USABLE_LEARNWARE.

Hetero Market#

The Hetero Market encompasses HeteroMapTableOrganizer, HeteroSearcher, and the checker list [EasySemanticChecker, EasyStatChecker]. It represents an preliminary extension of the Easy Market, designed to support tabular tasks, with the aim of accommodating tabular learnwares from diverse feature spaces (referred to as heterogeneous table learnwares), This extension thereby broadens the search scope and facilitates learnware identification and reuse across the entire learnware selection. The Hetero Market utilizes existing learnware specifications to train a heterogeneous engine, which merges distinct specification islands and assigns new specifications, known as HeteroMapTableSpecification, to learnwares. As more learnwares are submitted, this heterogeneous engine will continuously update, hopefully leading to a more precise specification world.


HeteroMapTableOrganizer overrides methods from EasyOrganizer and implements new methods to support the management of heterogeneous table learnwares. Key features include:

  • reload_market: Reloads the heterogeneous engine if there is one. Otherwise, initialize an engine with default configurations. Returns a flag indicating whether the market is reloaded successfully.

  • reset: Resets the heterogeneous market with specific settings regarding the heterogeneous engine such as auto_update, auto_update_limit and training_args configurations.

  • add_learnware: Add a learnware into the market, meanwhile generating HeteroMapTableSpecification for the learnware using the heterogeneous engine. The engine’s update process will be triggered if auto_update is set to True and the number of learnwares in the market with USABLE_LEARNWARE status exceeds auto_update_limit. Return the learnware_id and learnwere_status.

  • delete_learnware: Removes the learnware with id from the market and also removes its new specification if there is one. Return a flag of whether the deletion is successful.

  • update_learnware: Update the learnware’s zip_path, semantic_spec, check_status and its new specification if there is one. Return a flag indicating whether it passed the checker.

  • generate_hetero_map_spec: Generate HeteroMapTableSpecification for users based on the user’s statistical specification provided in user_info.

  • train: Build the heterogeneous engine using learnwares from the market that supports heterogeneous market training.


HeteroSearcher builds upon EasySearcher with additional support for searching among heterogeneous table learnwares, returning potentially helpful learnwares with feature and prediction spaces different from the user’s task requirements. The semantic specification search and statistical specification search have been integrated into the same interface HeteroSearcher.

  • HeteroSearcher.__call__(self, user_info: BaseUserInfo, check_status: int = None, max_search_num: int = 5, search_method: str = “greedy”) -> SearchResults

    • It conducts the semantic searcher EasyFuzzsematicSearcher on all the learnwares from the HeteroOrganizer with the same check_status (All learnwares if check_status is None).

    • If stat_info is provided within user_info, it conducts one of two types of statistical specification searches using EasySearcher, depending on whether heterogeneous learnware search is enabled. If enabled, stat_info will be updated with a user-specific HeteroMapTableSpecification, and the Hetero Market performs heterogeneous learnware search based on the updated stat_info. If not enabled, the Hetero Market performs homogeneous learnware search based on the original stat_info.


The heterogeneous learnware search is enabled when user_info contains valid heterogeneous search information. Please refer to WORKFLOWS: Hetero Search for details.